Today to the program, there is a tatted necklace and a bobbin lace necklace.
I finished my third necklace for 25 motif challenge. It is about a personal model. I modified my precedent ” Valentine’s necklace ” to have 2 overlapped colors. I also added a double picot at the top of rings.
I used DMC Cébélia size 30.
On the side of bobbin lace, I recovered well there. After several exercises, I wanted to try a pattern by Marie-José Massol.
In the book, it was not a necklace, but I cannot not prevent from modifying the patterns!
Your necklace is wonderful!! 🙂
Thanks, Sue.
I like both necklaces, the tatted one and the bobbin lace. Maybe I will try to make one like your tatted necklace!
Hi, Grace.
If my pattern could help you… email me! 🙂