What tool to put a bead on a picot

What tool to put a bead on a picot?

This article comes to give my version of a topic that my friend Elsa evoked yesterday: what tool to use to put a bead on a picot?

Jane (and many others) use a thread and a needle.


That’s my version of things!

As I have long used crochet hooks thread the beads on the picots. But I abandoned this method for several reasons:


      • I only use very small beads, which requires very fine crochet hooks. I unfortunately don’t find such hooks at the haberdashery near me. So you have to order them on the internet.

The hooks wear out a lot this way.. They have a limited life because the tip always ends up breaking. But placing beads on a picot accelerates wear, especially since the hook is fine.

I have broken a significant number of hooks in this way!

poser des perles sur un picot
Ma collection de crochets cassés… et encore j’en ai jeté!


  • However, special mention on the hook Clover, I admit that it is stronger than other brands.

poser des perles sur un picot


My solution:

  • I fold a nylon thread.

poser des perles sur un picot


  • In this way I catch the picot and I thread the bead.
    poser des perles sur un picot poser des perles sur un picot

This procedure may seem more tedious at first, but I quickly got used to prolong the life of my crochet hooks.

And for you what solution?


9 thoughts on “What tool to put a bead on a picot?

    1. Je ne mets pas en doute la qualité des crochets de monsieur Roux, mais c’est tout même dommage… de si beaux crochets!

  1. Je ne suis pas très experte mais je mets mes perles comme ca aussi, cela me semble plus facile!!!!!

  2. J’ai pris un fil métallique qui s’utilise pour faire des bijoux et j’ai plié en deux comme toi, les crochets que j’ai trouvé ne risquent pas de passer dans une perle 😉

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